The Hypocritical Teacher

Alas, the story of a sincere teacher, 
Whose students could hardly foresee.
That despite his external confidence,
Hypocrisy, thy name is he.

It’s the tale of one who taught compassion, 
But lived a selfish life.
Of one who spoke of harmony, 
Yet quarrelled with his wife! 

A story of one who coached on goodness, 
Though struggled to rise early. 
Of one who shared a peace formula, 
Whilst constantly in a worry. 

It’s of one who praised the detachment of saints, 
All the while hoarding his wealth. 
Of one who spoke of longevity, 
Whilst suffering from poor health. 

‘Tis of one who commended purity of thought, 
Whilst addicted to his screen.
For what he’s viewed on Netflix, 
Could seldom be unseen. 

Knowing the perils of hearsay and gossip,
He indulged in each scandal.
And continued to accept his heaps of praise,
Of which he couldn’t handle.

For he knew his life was but a mere fraud, 
A facade to guard reality. 
Though hidden well to avoid a painful truth,
Of his lack of spirituality. 

It’s of one who sought to abandon his profession,
As he lived his life in shame.
For despite his teaching a simple life,
He’d constantly be seeking fame.

T’was he alone who knew his truth,
Falling far short of ideal.
Thus desires of relinquished position,
Rather caught his appeal.

But he vowed to teach as long as he could, 
As his only saving grace. 
For the day will come when he’s true to his word, 
And feel Govinda’s embrace.