Where the Vaisnavas are praised

I wish to reside where the Vaisnavas are praised,
For that place to become my home.
Thus my consciousness is gradually raised,
And envy will no longer roam.

I wish to reside where the Vaisnavas are praised,
And admiration to become my shelter.
In so doing my ego will ablaze,
And melt in boiling swelter.

I wish to reside where the Vaisnavas are praised,
So I’m humbly put in my place.
As the Lord reminds us not to be phased;
We’re on the same team in this race!

I wish to reside where their glories are sung,
For I’m reminded of my aspiration.
This honour discloses to us the next rung
In the ladder of elevation.

O carrier of Krishna, please bestow your grace
Upon this covetous soul,
For I hope to one day truly see praise
As something to behold.

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